Laplace's Theorem

Let G be a finite group with n elements, and H a subgroup of G with m elements. Then m is a divisor of n: for a finite group, the order of any subgroup divides the order of the group.

An immediate consequence: If the number of elements in G is prime, then G has no non-trivial subgroup (that is, its only subgroups are e and G itself, where e is the neutral element of the group).

This theorem is the first truly “non-trivial” theorem of abstract algebra: it is surprising, simple, and powerful, and evidence that group theory is more than just a “collection of definitions”.

It is, in some sense, also very intuitive. The figure below shows the cyclic group Z6 of integers modulo 6, and its two possible subgroups, of order 2 and 3, respectively. Clearly, no other subgroups would be able to “close” on themselves as required.



The standard proof is based on the notion of a coset and two of their properties.

Cosets: Let aG be any element of G. Then aH={ah|aG,hH} is the (left) coset of G. Because H has m elements, gH can have at most m elements. Because no two elements of a coset coincide, each coset has at least m elements; hence all cosets have m elements. (To see the second property, assume the opposite: gh1=gh2, with h1,h2H. Now operate with the inverse g1 from the left and conclude that two elements of a coset are equal only if they are generated by the same element of the subgroup.)

Partition of G: Every element of the group G is the member of at least one coset: ggH (because the neutral element eH and eg=g). Moreover, every element of G is the member of at most one coset. (Assume caH and cbH for a,b,cG and ab. This means that there is an hH such that bh=c, or b=ch1 which is an element of aH because, by construction, both haH and caH. In other words, an element can only be an element of two cosets if the cosets coincide.)

We now have established that every element of G is element of exactly one coset, and that every coset has the same number of elements. In other words the cosets partition the elements of G into a collection of equal-sized subsets, each of which has m elements. We therefore conclude that the number n of elements of G is an integer multiple of m, the number of elements in the subgroup H.

Personally, I find the proof based on cosets strangely unintuitive, but I am not aware of a substantially different one.