
Computing the Normal Distribution Function

Every once in a while, I need to evaluate the normal distribution function $\Phi(x)$:

$$ \Phi(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{-\infty}^x \! e^{-\frac{1}{2}t^2} \, dt $$

Unfortunately, it is not always available in the standard math libraries, and hence I have to implement a “good-enough” version myself. Here are some options.

Random Shuffles

Shuffling a collection of items is a surprisingly frequent task in programming: essentially, it comes up whenever a known input must be processed in random order. What is more, there is a delightful, three-line algorithm to accomplish this task correctly, in-place, and in optimal time. Unfortunately, this simple three-line solution seems to be insufficiently known, leading to various, less-than-optimal ad-hoc alternatives being used in practice — but that is entirely unnecessary!

Command Line Arguments with Python's Argparse Module

Processing command-line arguments in ad-hoc python tools is one of those areas where I tend to just hack it together from scratch — simply because the effort of learning and understanding the relevant library packages not only seems to be more work than it is worth, but also and in particular more effort than “just doing it” by hand. I don’t want anything fancy, after all. I just want to get it done.

The Diamond-Square Algorithm for Terrain Generation

The Diamond-Square Algorithm for Terrain Generation

The Diamond-Square Algorithm is the natural first stop for generating artificial landscapes. The algorithm itself is beautifully simple (more details below, and on its Wikipedia page). But a casual implementation ended up not working at all, prompting me to look for an existing implementation to learn from. However, most implementations I found looked hideously complicated (or just hideous), not necessarily correct, and/or used out-of-date programming languages and styles. It therefore seemed like a good idea to create a clean, simple “reference” implementation of this algorithm, using a contemporary and widely known programming language and style.